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Dawn Marasco

Courage & Confidence - Take Heart

Hello Friend!!! Have you gone through a hard season and need HOPE that God will see you through? Perhaps like my friend Michelle Glaser you have seen the goodness of God even in the midst of devastation. Today I get to share one of her devotionals. It will bless you no matter where you are.  Look for the bracelet reminders she created at the end.

Take Heart

"Take Heart" is defined in Webster's Dictionary: "to gain courage or confidence: to begin to feel better and more hopeful. Take heart; things will get better soon".

My second-born son, Chris, attended Ohio University. He was in the Scripps School of Journalism majoring in advertising. And let me tell you; from the tender age of two, this kid could sell you ANYTHING!

He had an intense twenty-four hour a day curious nature about everything! And by "curious", I mean mischievous, combined with a wide-open mouth grin, and a sweetness that could melt even the hardest of hearts. He grew up to be an unstoppable young man, full of passion, purpose and a drive mixed with just enough stubbornness and charisma to keep things interesting. He truly was "unstoppable", or so we thought...


In his junior year of being at Ohio University, he was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of heart cancer. He endured four arduous open-heart surgeries. Including one where heart surgeons removed half of his heart, in the hopes of stopping the growth of the extremely aggressive cancer. The intense and grueling chemotherapy treatments proved to be way too taxing for his kidneys. So now, in addition to the regular cancer treatments, and countless specialist appointments, he also added weekly dialysis to his daily schedule.

Chris had to withdraw from being in college on three separate occasions, for surgeries and chemo treatments. But to give you a small glimpse of his unstoppable character, not only did he graduate from college, he graduated with honors!


Because of the ongoing battle with his health, the university newspaper wanted to interview him. They have a tradition where they highlight specific seniors that are graduating, that have a unique story to tell. When asked what, if any wisdom he could share with everyone, having endured this intense uphill battle with cancer, he answered, "I learned that my happiness does not depend on my circumstances". The pressures that he faced were beyond intense, both physically and mentally, but what set him apart was that he refused to allow that pressure to be his dwelling place.

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I am sure that refusal was the driving force that extended his life from a prognosis of less than six months, to a little over three years.


Since his death in 2009, our family has tried to follow his example. And to be totally honest, we have not hit the mark every time, not even close. But what is becoming ingrained into my mother's heart, is what Chris was saying, in word and in deed. It can be found in Scripture over and over. The apostle Paul tells us that he learned to be content; satisfied to the point where he was not disturbed or disquieted in whatever state he was in. Philippians 4:11 (AMPC).


Romans 8:6 (NAS) tells us "that the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace".

What I think my son figured out in his short twenty-three years of life on this earth, that has taken me so much longer to understand, is that the "road to happiness" and the desired peace, that passes ALL understanding, can only be achieved by an intentional daily humility and willingness, to surrender to a Savior, who longs to be gracious to you, and to show you compassion and justice. (Isaiah 30:18)


God wants to assure you that not only can you be strong; you can leave fear and discouragement behind. For it is the Lord our God who goes with you.


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (NIV)


The One who is greater than any threat you will ever face will not ever leave you or forsake you.


"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV)

Jesus told us in John 16:33 that in this world we will experience troubles, and when we find ourselves in the thick of those troubles, He instructs us to be confident and courageous. To take heart and never give up and to remember that He has conquered the world and deprived it of its power over us!


Today, as you are reading this, it is the perfect opportunity to make the decision to summon up all the courage you have to keep going, and to submit your thinking and will, to do what Jesus taught us to do.

You may think that it's impossible to change the way you think but that's not true. You and you alone decide what to think on. It may take some practice, some determination and some grit to push through but I promise you that your future self will thank you!


And just in case no one has told you, don't quit, keep going, never give up and take heart!

Michelle Glaser


Friends, Michelle is an inspiration. I also added her bracelets to this post.

My next Newsletter will be my 100th!!! Can you believe it? I will share fun details and specials with you! Thanks for journeying TOGETHER!!! I truly appreciate YOU!


Praying for you, friend,




Michelle created these Take Heart Bracelets as a great reminder - to never give up.

Check out Michelle’s - Take Heart Bracelets:

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