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Dawn Marasco

Knowing changes everything!

Hello friend!

“When we know how loved we are by God … it changes everything!”

I know that first-hand. There was a time when I was a Christian, loved God, attended church, and even taught Bible studies but I did not understand God’s love for me. 

And once we know how loved we are by God … it changes everything! It did in my life. I’ve seen God’s love transform others’ lives as well! It is powerful.

I recently shared those thoughts with Michelle Croyle on her Mental Health for Christian Women Podcast.

We discussed obstacles in our lives that can keep us from a full life in Christ! We also uncovered truths to help us walk with Him knowing we are loved by Almighty God!  

Here is one scripture I shared:

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.


What a good reminder that we are NOT alone. God is with us, and He will NEVER leave us!

I hope you can listen in.

After experiencing several life-altering traumas, Dawn found her way to a closer relationship with the Lord.  In today's episode, she shares about her reflections on mental health through the focus on spiritual health tools.”


You will love all that Michelle shares as well! She is a personal friend and a great Christian Counselor. I love to refer others to her practice. She has helped many. Her podcast is called: Mental Health for Christian Women. Her heart is: Helping Christian women live their best lives by overcoming mental health struggles to move into freedom & the abundant life Jesus came to give them.


You will glean a lot of tools as you listen to our conversation. It was a great interview focused on mental health and spiritual development!


Listen. Like. Share the podcast. Thanks!

Link if you want to listen on Apple Podcasts

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