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Dawn Marasco

Look Back. What do you see?

Updated: May 20, 2023

Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up and something happens that is unexpected, and it just throws you off?

Well, that was me this morning. I tried to think through the situation and then thought to myself, I need to go to God, invite Him into this issue, and be reminded of WHO He is.

Immediately I asked God, What do You want me to read in the Bible? Then I remembered a teaching I shared this month in my membership called Know Who He is. I pulled it up and began to read it. The material drew me in and reassured my heart.

Here are a few quick excerpts that helped me. I hope it helps you.

Name of God: Sovereign

Truth or scripture that resonates: But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds. Psalm 73:28 (NIV)

I want to remember that You are Sovereign, over all. You know all things and I choose to make You my refuge! You are my place of safety.

Prayer: Lord, help me to … remember it is good for me to be near You. Help me to make You my refuge daily. You are Sovereign, all knowing, that is Who You are! Thank You for being my place of refuge!

Thank You that I know that You see me. You know me and You are there for me. Lord God, when I was at my lowest, You were there. When I was at my highest, You were there. Thank you that You see me and You know me. You are always with me.

Lord, so many times in my life when I have needed help, I’ve cried out for You to help me, and You have heard me. Your answers drew me closer to You. I thank You God that You are my provider.

Scripture: I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. Psalm 37:25 (NIV)

I am so thankful for God’s truths. They can be an anchor to our faith. He sees us. He knows what we need. He is our refuge! I am so thankful that the Most High God can be our constant companion … the One we can run to; our place of safety.

In that section I mention when I was at my lowest, God was there. I am honestly helped by remembering how God was faithful to me in my lowest, hardest seasons and also during my highest, happiest seasons. (a reminder of Psalm 139)

It is good to remember because when we go through a hard moment or season, we can be helped by looking back over times when God was faithful in the past. When we see God’s past faithfulness, we can pull from those memories and allow them to strengthenus and comfort us in our current hard place.

Friend, I am not sure what you woke up to or what you are going through, but I want to encourage you that you are not alone!

  • One, our God is always with us! Always, no matter how we feel.

  • Two, His Word can powerfully guide us in every situation. And by His Spirit, He will lead us.

  • Three, if you let me know, I will pray for you. I am honored to get to journey with you!

Blessed by Jesus helping me daily,


PS If you want to grow in the Lord together, check out my online mentoring community. We’d love to have you join us. You can jump in and you’ll receive my free eBook Continuous Peace.

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