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A Foundation For Our Peace

Dawn Marasco

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

We have a choice every day. Will we trust in God? Will we trust His plan?

Our life presents us with many moments that we need to actively trust God.

Here is one account when I had to cling to God. It was when, amidst a “normal” day, that a negative situation arose suddenly. I remember feeling overwhelmed by the scope of the situation. I cried out to God, saying, “Lord, I need You! You are the rock I have stood on. You have been so faithful to me. You know the situation. You know I am so concerned that it will continue to go badly. Today Lord, I throw myself on You, my solid rock. Lord Jesus, I am praying for Your favor, wisdom, and insight.

I told Jesus that I was throwing myself on Him until the storm passed. I trusted in His ability to keep me. I prayed that He would work it out and give me wisdom for the steps I needed to take.

It was amazing that as I was trusting Him with all my concerns, He was behind the scenes working on my behalf. When I got word of a new door of kindness and understanding opening, I knew He was already working in ways that I never could.

He was changing hearts. I had to walk through another door by faith, and sure enough, I encountered more favor, understanding, and help. It was so evident that my God was working.

When we are trusting God, we release our control and place our faith in Him and Him alone. We can take our next step, knowing that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28 NASB) We must trust Him, desiring His will to be done. That means that we may not understand it all completely, but we trust the One who does. Trusting like this causes us to have a close and personal relationship with Jesus, which becomes a foundation for our peace.

Trust is the foundation that keeps us in God’s amazing peace! It can be hard to trust in Him for everything we need. In that moment when I was “throwing” myself upon Him, I was expressing that, “I am not able to figure this out. I am not able to do anything to make this work out. I choose to cling to Your mercy and Your goodness to care for me in this situation. You are my only help.There is no rock like our God.

He Is the Rock in Whom We Can Trust

Isaiah 26:3–4 (NIV)

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the Lord, the Lord Himself, is the Rock eternal.

I love how Isaiah states that God will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast.

How were their minds steadfast? By trusting in the Lord.

  • Steadfast means: unwavering, unfaltering, resolute, persistent, committed, dedicated, firm, loyal, faithful, constant, devoted.

Wow! That is an eye-opening way of describing how to trust. He instructs us to, “Trust in the LORD forever, for the Lord, the Lord Himself, is the Rock eternal.” Our rock will not crumble or disappear. The Lord Jesus is our strong rock now and for all eternity.

We can trust in God no matter what we face. We can ask the Lord to help us to trust in Him with an unwavering, resolute, dedicated, firm, and constant faith.

Sadly. many trust God until something in their life goes wrong. Then they blame Him for the negative issue and withhold their trust. When things go wrong, that is when we need to hold on to Him even tighter. If we trust Him and keep our minds fixed on our God, He will keep us in His perfect peace.

Psalm 18:1–3 (NLT)

I love you, LORD; you are my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.

Friend in this new season of my life… I am holding on to our faithful God. I am choosing His plan for me, His timing, and His wisdom and strength to do all He is calling me to do. In this new unfamiliar territory, it is a season to press in and trust Him even further. I remind myself that according to the depth that we trust Him, He is there.

Are you facing a challenge where you need to trust God in a greater way? If so, my challenge to you is to press in and trust God even more. Trust Him with both the minor and significant issues that arise. He is the One we can look to with an unwavering faith. He is able to keep us. He is our shield and our place of safety. As we look to Him, He will keep us in His perfect peace. He is worthy of our praise!

I am so very thankful for YOU! I am cheering you on as you trust our faithful Lord, step by step!

Trusting Him all along the way,


Remember If you know someone who wants more peace or if you are looking for a unique gift for Christmas, go to my website and check out my new book, Continuous Peace, 4 Steps to Living the Life of Peace God Intended.




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