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Worry is the Fruit of Not Trusting God

Dawn Marasco

Anxiety, fear, and worry are real and they can arise quickly. This week I am dealing with multiple issues that continue to provoke anxiety in me. I am so thankful that God tells us what to do when worry or anxiety rises up. 

Friend, we all have issues that can cause anxiety but what are we going to do about it? Ignore it, hide it, feed it, or deal with it as it arises? The choice is ours, but we do not have to go it alone. God desires to come alongside us and teach us to cast all our cares upon Him because He cares for us! He will never leave us alone. He watches over us very carefully.


1 Peter 5:7 (AMP)

Casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].


In the past I tried to care for myself and my own pain, but that proved to be fruitless. It was when I entrusted all my cares to God that He gave me the grace, mercy, and love that empowered me to let them go. God heals. He forgives. He is trustworthy. God wants you to cast, throw and rid yourself of your burdens because He cares for you!


What I have found is that when I worry … it is the fruit of not trusting God.

Worry is the fruit of not trusting God

Worry Is the Fruit of Not Trusting God but what is our answer?

We first have to ask who do I run to in my time of need?


Who will we run to? When a situation presents itself, we are to recall the truth that the Lord is near to us. This is the beginning of our peace. If we forget that our loving Lord is near, we will be prone to worry. Worry is the fruit of not trusting God. Do not let your heart be anxious, because Almighty God is with you. Trust in Him. Be anxious for nothing! He created all, and He created you. He will carry you through with security and rest.


Psalm 91:1–2 (AMP)

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!”


This scripture is a gift! We are told that we can dwell with God, which means we can live and stay in the shelter of the Most High. When we dwell with God, we will remain secure and be able to rest in His presence. What a great assurance we have in Him!


When an anxiety or issue arises will we run to God as our strong fortress?


Will we share our heart with Him? We can start by letting Him know what we are afraid of or what is causing us to be anxious. We can share the specific issue, fear, worry, concern, anger, or frustration with God in prayer.


Tell God exactly how you feel. Cast your burden on God. He can handle it. He welcomes you to share your heart with Him. Let your anxiety be known to God!


Prayer. Your prayer may sound like this:

Lord, in this situation I am overwhelmed. It is even hard to know how to pray, but I release this entire thought to You. Lord, only You know the way that this situation can work itself out. I pray You provide everyone and everything needed to bring it to a good completion. I pray that You will lead, guide, give wisdom, protection, and everything else that is needed to bring about Your will. Lord, I need You and I desire Your help. I want Your will and Your way to be done in this situation.


We can add:

Lord, You know that I am fearful that this or that may happen. I am afraid that something bad is going to come of this, so I choose to release my heart and those who I love and what I care about into Your loving arms. I ask that You lift all sadness, worry, doubt, and concern regarding this issue. Heal my heart. Be Lord over this situation and give me Your peace. Thank you for loving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Green divider of worry

I release ____________ into Your mighty and capable hands.


I am so thankful that we get to run to God for help, and trust Him with our heart and the outcomes.  Letting God into our “all” deepens our relationship with Him!

God is always there!



PS If you feel stuck or want to pray through a situation. Reach out. I’d love to connect.

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